Texas DUI/DWI Laws

Quick Overview of Penalties for DUI/DWI
- BAC Percentage for Increased (Aggravated) Penalty – .15
- License Suspension for 1st Offense – Yes
- Limited Driving Privileges During Suspension – Yes
- Ignition Interlock – Mandatory for repeat convictions
- Vehicle and License Plate Sanctions – Yes – Vehicle confiscation
General State Information
- State Penal Code – TX Code, Chapter 49.04
- Open Container Laws – Yes
- Repeat Offender Laws – Yes
- Check Points – None
- Alcohol Exclusion Laws Limiting Treatment – Yes
Understanding DUI/DWI Penalties
There are four main factors that determine the severity of the penalties incurred:
- The age of the driver
- The substance impairing you. This may be drugs, or alcohol, or both
- The category of your driver’s license (Restricted, CDL)
- Whether you refused a chemical test
Chemical Test Refusal
– Every state has some version of the “Implied Consent” law
– This law carries serious consequences for refusing a chemical test
– The penalties for refusing a chemical test in Texas are:
1st Refusal
- 180 day license suspension
2nd Refusal
- 2 year license suspension
3rd Refusal
- 2 year license suspension
Lookback Period
- There is no lookback period in Texas
- Any prior arrest for DUI/DWI will be factored in when determining penalties regardless of how long ago it was
Zero Tolerance
- Drivers under 21 with a BAC of .02% or more will be charged with DUI/DWI
- A BAC of .08% and above will result in the same penalties as drivers 21 and over
Penalties for Underage Drivers (under 21)
DUI/DWI Penalties/Alcohol/Drug related (Non-Aggravated)
1st Offense
- license suspension (90 day minimum, 180 day maximum)
- $2000 fine
- $1000 surcharge fee paid once a year for 3 years ($3000 total)
- Prison (72 hours, or 6 days if an open container was found in the vehicle)
- you will be required to attend a state approved 12 hour DUI/DWI school
- Probation (length at discretion of judge)
- Community Service (24 hour minimum, 100 hour maximum)
2nd Offense
- license suspension (180 day minimum, 2 year maximum)
- $4000 fine
- $1500 surcharge fee paid once a year for 3 years ($4500 total)
- you will be required to attend a state approved 32 hour DUI/DWI school
- Prison (72 hour minimum, 2 year maximum)
- Probation (length at discretion of judge)
- Community Service (80 hour minimum, 200 hour maximum)
- Installation of Ignition Interlock Device
DUI/DWI Penalties/Alcohol/Drug related (Aggravated)
- In Texas there are two areas which a charge of Aggravated DUI/DWI will affect
- It will raise the 3 year surcharge to $2000 a year, and it will require an Ignition Interlock Device for the first offense
CDL Drivers (Commercial)
- Those with a commercial driver’s license (CDL) are held to a stricter standard
- The BAC threshold is significantly lower (0.04%), and the penalties incurred are often much more severe
- An initial DUI conviction in a passenger or commercial vehicle will result in a one year CDL suspension
- A second DUI conviction in a passenger or commercial vehicle will result in a permanently revoked CDL
SR-22 Insurance Requirements
- SR-22 Insurance is a requirement in many states as a condition of restoring your driving privileges
- Most, but not all states have SR-22 statutes
- In Texas an SR-22 must be filed with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) before your driving privileges can be restored
- You must maintain your SR-22 for a period of 2 years following the restoration of your driving privileges
- Should you lapse at any point, your insurance company will inform the DMV and your license will be revoked
Wet Reckless
- Wet Reckless is a general term that refers to a plea bargain that may reduce the severity of the charge against you
- Texas does not allow for plea bargains in DUI/DWI cases therefore Wet Reckless does not apply
- Anderson
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