major changes to blood testing on the way?
Tests are essential for authorities to be able to determine whether or not you are intoxicated. Field sobriety tests and breathalyzers are often the first line of defense utilized by officers in the battle against drunk driving. The most crucial test howe...
Texas Judge arrested for DUI, a bitter-sweet tale
Some days, you give the law, and some days, you get it. Judge David Sweet of Rockwell County, Texas found that out the hard way this month as he was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. He had been a county judge since 2015. Prior to that he had serv...
New York State Passes ‘Tiffany Heitkamp’s Law’
10 years ago Keir Weimer was out on his boat having a great time with some friends on Fourth Lake in Herkimer County in New York State. Earlier in the day they had been drinking at a bar, and now they were zipping across the water on their way home. At ap...
The Yellow Badge of Shame
The DUI laws of every state are laid out in great detail for all of the visitors of DUI.Attorney to see. Some states, like Arizona, are notorious for their harsh DUI penalties. However for the vast majority of states, the penalties fall within generally...
Connecticut Corruption: State Troopers Caught On Tape Fabricating Charges
DUI check points are a very controversial, yet often effective method that most states use to combat drunk driving. Particularly on busy holiday weekends. It has unsuccessfully been argued that they violate the 4th amendment. As a reminder, the 4th amendm...
Grand Rapid Cover Up
In November of 2016, Josh Kuiper from the Grand Rapids Prosecutor’s office made a serious mistake. He allegedly drove while heavily intoxicated. After driving the wrong way, his automobile crashed into a parked car and then knocked down a pedestrian...
Confession leads to dismissal
Earlier this year deputies in Santa Fe County California stopped driver Xavier Aguilar after they observed him driving erratically. He smelled strongly of alcohol and officers prepared to give him a breathalyzer. However, before they could put the machi...
Come On Take A Free Ride
New Year’s Eve is one of those rare days when people all around the world gather to celebrate the coming year. For one day, the entire world turns into one giant party. One giant, and often very drunk party. Unfortunately, this often can lead to som...
The “Drug Whisperer”
So imagine for a moment, you are driving down the road headed home after a nice night at a friends house. Completely sober. No drugs or alcohol have passed your lips. Suddenly you see flashing lights behind you. You are being pulled over, but it should be...